donderdag 12 juni 2014
ICT4Teachers presentation at eLearning Africa Kampala Uganda 2014
During the eLearning Africa conference I gave a presentation on ICT4Teachers:
vrijdag 6 juni 2014
The ICT4E Programme in Western Uganda: ICT in the English classroom
My first
visit was to the St Theresa Girls Secondary school in Nsenyi in Kasese
district. At the school 6 English teachers including head of department Felix
Kule participate in the programme. Felix delivered a lesson about nouns while
we were visiting. One of the students: “ Lessons are now more attractive and
these days I like English more than other subjects”. Teacher and students were
really motivated to use the ICT.
programme also organizes content creation workshops: CFSU or RICNET work with
the teachers to make more interactive content and practice together the
delivery of the lessons. The lessons include text, sound, images and sometimes
video. They also use role play and assignments with the students. One of the
teachers mentioned “the integration of ICT tools in the teaching process has
helped to deliver lessons with different methods to cater for visual learners
(text and illustrations) and auditive lessons (to listen to the right
The second school we visited was difficult to reach. The bridge
in the value had been wiped away in 2013, but the emergency bridge only two
weeks ago. The school was not reachable by car. We used the “boda-boda” at the
back of the motorbike we took the mountain road. A steep footpath not really
suitable for a motorbike.
The Kilembe
Secondary school delivered also a lesson with the project about a poem. The
teacher was not trained by RicNet but by the head of department. He was a bit
nervous, but that was not really strange while three people are using a video
camera in your classroom including me, a musungu. The headmaster told me also
that they were using a school management information system that saved them
much time. It was locally developed and the school had acquired it recently.
mountain road. The boda-boda brought us to the destroyed bridge. They took the mountain road and we crossed the river using a temporary emergency bridge. Than they pick us up on the other side to bridge the 2 km destroyed road before we were back at our car.
After an
hour we reached Fort Portal were we visited Canon Apollo Core teacher training
college were Mwajuma Banuru, the head of the English department. She explained
how they train the new teachers in the preparation and delivery of lessons with
the use of ICT in English. Their biggest challenge that they can practice at
the college, but not yet in the four intern schools were the students will
practice in the real primary school classroom.
A long day
that started at 6:30 and ended at 18:00 when I arrived in the Rwenzori View
Guesthouse in Fort Portal. Just another day in the office!
One day safari in Queen Elisabeth Park
Between eLearning Africa and
my visit to the ICT4E programme in Kasese and Kaberole district I had a
Saturday to travel from Kampala to Western Uganda (7 hours). On Sunday I was
able to visit the Queen Elisabeth Park for an one day safari. My lodge was
overlooking the plains, not a bad place to stay at all. In the morning I did a
chimpanzee trek in a beautiful gorge. We managed to see some chimpansees, but
even without that the hike itself was worth it. Western Uganda has a very nice
climate this time of the year. Between 25-30 degrees with cool nights. In the
afternoon I did a boottrip to Lake Edwards. A trip with lots of elephants,
buffalo’s and hippo’s and thousands of beautiful birds.
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